'Habun' Sinhala Cooking app specially provides food and beverage recipes of babies, toddlers and kids with step by step guidance with pictures. It gives you a very simple & easy way of finding
healthy & yummy recipes with very nutritious ingredients for your loving kids. Babies always like to have food with a different taste, different smell and different shapes, if the food is not delicious and also not colourful, they are used to reject them. But the baby's weight chart is the most important thing for every mother. They hope to increase the baby's weight by providing the child with a variety of nutritional foods. So, feeding baby with weight gaining food is a mother's responsibility.
And also, another important thing is that avoid feeding your baby with foods that contain artificial flavours. Always try to prepare food for kids at home. But it is very difficult to find baby food recipes in one place you always have to go through recipes on the internet or books. It is a time-wasting task. So, if you are fed up with the battle of feeding your babies and finding recipes all over the internet, this may be a great chance for you.
healthy & yummy recipes with very nutritious ingredients for your loving kids. Babies always like to have food with a different taste, different smell and different shapes, if the food is not delicious and also not colourful, they are used to reject them. But the baby's weight chart is the most important thing for every mother. They hope to increase the baby's weight by providing the child with a variety of nutritional foods. So, feeding baby with weight gaining food is a mother's responsibility.
And also, another important thing is that avoid feeding your baby with foods that contain artificial flavours. Always try to prepare food for kids at home. But it is very difficult to find baby food recipes in one place you always have to go through recipes on the internet or books. It is a time-wasting task. So, if you are fed up with the battle of feeding your babies and finding recipes all over the internet, this may be a great chance for you.
App screenshots.
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