Free of charge, You can make any network to call.
This website name "globfone" can make free phone calls to any number. Globphone can send free text messages
This website name "globfone" can make free phone calls to any number. Globphone can send free text messages
to your friends and family from anywhere in the world. Also, the caller does not need to install the Globephone app on their phone.
The purpose of this "globfone" is to provide free telecommunication services such as SMS and International calls to users around the world. Globfone currently covers more than 90% of major international GSM networks. "globfone" offers a free phone call service and a free P2P file transfer service for all your friends and family worldwide. You don't need to install any special software or do an extended registration process. Globphone is completely safe and easy to use. Below is a simple interface for getting a call on this site.

If so, please visit this website to avail of this service.