wo wms n,kafka m%Yak yokafka fldfyduo lsh,hs' m%Yak yok tl tl l%u ;sfhkjd' Auxiliary Verbs ;sfhoa§ wykafka fjk úÈhla' ke;s Wkdu ;j úÈhla' m%Yak weiSu ioydu fhdod .kakd jpk fhdod .oaÈ ;j;a úÈhla' Prepositions fhfooa§ ;j úÈhla' wms tajd tlska tl bf.k.uq'
01). tl úÈhla ;uhs Auxiliary Verb tl uq,a lrk m%Yak weiSu'
^ wms Thd,g tajd lshd ÿkak u;l we;s lsh,d ys;kjd &
^ wms Thd,g tajd lshd ÿkak u;l we;s lsh,d ys;kjd &
- It is snowing. = Is it snowing ? ysu jefgkjo hk f;areu" oeka isÿ fjñka mj;sk fohla.
- He can speak German. = Can he speak German ? thdg German l;d lrkak mqÆjkao@
- They have lived here a long time. = Have they lived here a long time ? thd, f.dvla l,a fufy Ôj;a Wkdo @" w;S; ld, isoaÈhla weiSu¡
- She will arrive at ten o'clock. = Will she arrive at ten o'clock ? thd 10 fjoa§ taúo @" wkd.;h ms<sno m%Yakhla weiSu¡
- He was driving fast. = Was he driving fast ? thd yhsfhka meojqjo @" w;S;h ms,snoj¡
- You have been smoking. = Have you been smoking ? Tn ÿï fndñka bo,d ;sfnkjo@
2). Auxiliary Verb tlla ke;s úg TO DO fh§u'
f.dv fofkla f.ka wikjdkï DO" ke;fyd;a DOES uq,g tla lsÍula muKla isÿ fõ'
- You speak fluent French. = Do you speak fluent French ? Tng m%xY l;d lrkak mqÆjkao@
- She lives in Brussels. = Does she live in Brussels ? weh Ôj;a fjkafka Brussels j,o@
fïflÈ ;j fohla u;l ;shd .kak ´ks' u;lo j¾;udkfha§ tal jpk ioyd wms S fhÿjd l%shdjg, fufia jdlH yooa§ S fhdokafkakE¡
3). m%Yak weiSfï jpk fhdod .ekSu'
m%Yak weiSug fjku fhdod .kak jpk ;shkjd' tajdhska álla kï,
m%Yak weiSug fjku fhdod .kak jpk ;shkjd' tajdhska álla kï,
Question Word
asking for information about something
fohla .ek weiSfï§
What is your name?
asking for repetition or confirmation
fohla ia:sr lr .ekSfï§ fyda kej; weiSfï§
What? I can't hear you.
You did what? | |
asking for a reason, asking why
fya;=jla úuiSfï§ fyda wehs lshd weiSfï§
What did you do that for?
asking about time
fj,djla úuiSfï§
When did he leave?
asking in or at what place or position
;ekla .ek úuiSfï§
Where do they live?
asking about choice
leue;a;la fyda fohla .ek iúia;rd;aulj weiSfï§
Which colour do you want?
asking what or which person or people (subject) ñksfila fyda hula .ek kï jYfhka weiSfïoS
Who opened the door?
asking what or which person or people (object)
ñksfila fyda hula .ek kï jYfhka weiSfï§ " ldgo weiSfï§
Whom did you see?
asking about ownership
ldf.ao lshd weiSfï§
Whose are these keys?
Whose turn is it? |
asking for reason, asking what...for
fya;=jla úuiSfï§
Why do you say that?
why don't
making a suggestion
fohla lsÍug W;aiy lsÍfï§
Why don't I help you?
asking about manner
l%shd ms<sfj,la tiSfï§ fyda fldfyduo lshd weiSfï§
How does this work?
asking about condition or quality
fldfyduo lshd weiSfï§
How was your exam?
| |
how + adj/adv
asking about extent or degree
see examples below
how far
ÿrla weiSfï§
How far is Pattaya from Bangkok?
how long
length (time or space)
È.la weiSfï§
How long will it take?
how many
quantity (countable)
ixLhd;aul jYfhka lsjyels fohla weiSfï§
How many cars are there?
how much
quantity (uncountable)
ixLhd;aul jYfhka lsj fkdyels fohla weiSfï§
How much money do you have?
how old
Age jhila weiSfï§
How old are you?
how come (informal)
asking for reason, asking why
fya;=jla úuiSfï§
How come I can't see her?