Thd,g fgkafiia bf.k f.k Boring fj,do @ wms oeka ál ojil boka Tenses .ekufka lsh,d ÿkafka' ta;a b;ska mdvula u. yer,d hkak jqjukd kE' wms ish,a,u bf.k .uq'
wo wms Past Perfect Continuous ke;fyd;a Past Perfect Progressive Tense tl bf.k .uq'
wms fïl Use lrkafka w;S;fhau mgka wrka w;S;fhau hï lsis ld, iSudjlg miq bjr fjk fohla lSughs' (to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past) t;fldg wmsg fukak fï jf.a jpk use lrkjd' For five minutes, for two weeks etc.
fï fÜn,a tl n,kak'
Th fld< mdáka ;sfhkafka Bfha jf.au Past Perfect Continuous Tense wÿr.kak mq¿jka jpk álla' Bg miafia ;Srefõ ;sfhkafka Past Perfect Continuous Tense j, uses' Bg miafia ;sfhkafka fhfok úÈh yd WodyrKhs'wms fïjfha uses fjk fjku point form tflkq;a bf.k .uq'
01). w;S; ld, jljdkqjla ms,snoj lSug' (Duration Before Something in the Past)
01). w;S; ld, jljdkqjla ms,snoj lSug' (Duration Before Something in the Past)

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"
- They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived. - fgdaks tkak l,ska mhlg jvd thd,d l;d lrñka isáhd'
- She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business. - weh tu wdh;kfha jir 3la ú;r jev lrñka isáhd " tu wdh;kh jykak fjoa§ hk w¾:h'
- How long had you been waiting to get on the bus? - fldÉpr fj,d n,ka bÈho nia tlg k.skak @
- Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work. - uhslag jd§ ùug Wjukd Wkd uq¿ ojfiu ysgf.k ysáh ksid'
2). fya;=ka bÈßm;a lsÍug. (Cause of Something in the Past)
w;S; isÿùulg fmr fuu fgkafia tl Ndú;fhka fya;=ka bÈßm;a lsÍu myiq fõ. Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect.
WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"
- Jason was tired because he had been jogging. - jason f.dvla uykaisfhka ysáfha" ÿjkak .sh ksid'
- Sam gained weight because he had been overeating. - iEï f.dvla uy;a fj,d" thd f.dvla ldmq ksid'
- Kelum failed the final test because she had not been attending class. - le¿ï únd.h wiu;a Wkd" th mka;s .sfha ke;s ksid'
Tkak hdÆjfka wo ;j iqn wdrxÑhl=;a ;shkjd' wms oeka Thd,g f.dvdla fgkaiia lshd ÿkakfka" fyáka fgkaiia mdvu bjrhs'