wms okafku ke;=j 10 fjks mdvug;a wdjd fkao hdÆjfka' Thd,f.a bx.%Sis oekqu wksjd¾fhka fï mdvï ud,j ;=,ska j¾Okh ù we;ehs wms wfmalaYd lrkafkuq'
wms wo mdvu n,uq' wo;a Tenses ;uhs' wo mdvfï wms l;d lrk Tense tl wms fhdod .kafka b;du;a wvqfjka' we;a;gu lsõfjd;a fï mdvug isxy, yvla §u" b;du;a wudrehs' ta;a wms ir,j bf.k .kak W;aiyd lruq' wo wms l;d lrkafka w;S;fha§ lrñka isá foaj,a .ek'
ta lshkafka Past continuous Tense .ek' fïl yÿkajk ;j kula kï Past Progressive Tense'
fuys§ wms jdlH ,shkafka nyq jpk Subject tll§ were oeïud" then biafi,a, jf.au verb ¬ ing tal jpk subject tll§ fyda uu .ek lshoa§ was oeïu" biafi,a, jf.au verb ¬ ing
fï fÜn,a tl n,kak'
f,dl= lr n,kak j.=j u; click lrkak'
ta lshkafka Past continuous Tense .ek' fïl yÿkajk ;j kula kï Past Progressive Tense'
fuys§ wms jdlH ,shkafka nyq jpk Subject tll§ were oeïud" then biafi,a, jf.au verb ¬ ing tal jpk subject tll§ fyda uu .ek lshoa§ was oeïu" biafi,a, jf.au verb ¬ ing
fï fÜn,a tl n,kak'

Th fld< mdáka ;sfhkafka Bfha jf.au Past continuous wÿr.kak mq¿jka jpkhla' Bg miafia ;Srefõ ;sfhkafka past continuous j, uses. Bg miafia ;sfhkafka fhfok úÈh yd WodyrKhs'
n,kak f,aishs fkao @
- I was working } uu jev lrñka isáh'
- I was not working } uu jev lrñka isáfha kE w¾:h'
- Was I working } uu jev lrñka isáho@
1). w;S;fha§ tl È.g lrñka isá fohla hï lsis fohlska w;ru.§ kj;ajkjdkï t;k§ Ndú;d lrkak mq¿jka¡ ( to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted)

- I was watching TV when she called. - weh flda,a lroa§ uka rEmjdysksh n,ñka isáhd'
- When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.- ÿrl:kh kdo fjoa§" weh ,shqula ,shñka isáhd'
- While we were having the picnic, it started to rain. - wms pdßldj hñka isáh§" jeiaila mgka .;a;d'
- What were you doing when the earthquake started ? - N+ñ lïmdj wdrïn fjk fudfydf;a" Tn l=ulao lrñka isáfha @
- I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm. - uka uf.a whsfmdâ tlg ijka foñka isá ksid " iSkqj weiqka kE'
- You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off. - Th uka lshk foag ijka §f.k isáfha kE" uka Thdg mq¨iaikh ksjkak lshoa§'
- While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. - miq .sh rd;%sfha John ksodf.k isáoa§" lõre fyda ldrh fydrlï lrk .syska'
- Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane. - ieó wms tklka n,ka bÈñka isáhd" wms .=jka hdkfhka t,shg toa§'
- While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off. - uu flá m‚jqvhla ,shñka isáoa§" mß.Klh off jqkd'
- A : What were you doing when you broke your leg ? - ll=, lvd .oaÈ" fudloao lrñka isáfha @
2). tla ;rd ksYaÑ; ld,hl§ lrñka isá fohla lSug'

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak,
- Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. - miq.sh rd;%sfha 6g muK uu isáhd'
- At midnight, we were driving through the desert. - uoHhu" rd;%sfha;a wms r:h mojñka isáhd'
- Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.- Bfha fï fj,dfjÈ;a uka jeä fj,d jev lrñka isáhd'
3). w;S; isÿùï folla .ek lSug ( Parallel Actions)

WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak ,
- I was studying while he was making dinner - Tyq rd;%S lEu ilioa§" uka mdvï lrñka isáhd'
- While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television. - we,ka lhjoa§" àï à' ù n,ka isáhd'
- Were you listening while he was talking ? - Th wik isáho Tyq l;d lroa§ @
- I wasn't paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes. - uka f.dvla wjodkhla fhduq lf¾ kE ,shqu ,shoaÈ " tu ksid uka w;ska jerÈ álla Wkd '
- What were you doing while you were waiting ? - Thd u. n,ka bÈoa§ fudkdo lrñka isáfha
4). miq.sh jd;djrKhla meyeÈ,s lsÍug ( Atmosphere )
WodyrK j,ska f;areï .kak"
- When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service.
5). w;S;fha§ kej; kej; isÿfjñka ;snqKq fohla lSug (Repetition and Irritation)

t;k§ úfYaIfhka jpk folla Ndú;d fjkjd' tajd kï always and constantly .
- She was always coming to class late.
- He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
- I didn't like them because they were always complaining.
wo mdvu wjidkhs hd¿jfka' wksjd¾fhka fkdf;afrk ;eka fo;=ka jrla fydog lshjkak' mdvï áfla wudre tajd ;sfhhs kï my;ska woyia odkak wms fkdf;afrk tajd lsh,d fokakï¡