Bfha ÈkfhaÈ wms 4 fjks mdvfuka f.dvdla lreKq lsh,d ÿkakd'wo Tkak 5 fjks mdvfukq;a lreKq /ila oek.uq' mdvu álla wudrehs jf.a ysf;kjd we;s' ta ksid wms Thd,g ta weiqfrka theory iïmQ¾Kfhka we;=,;a m%Yak lsysmhla f.kdjd Tkak Thd,f.a oekqu Wmfhda.s lrf.k lrkak n,kak' mdvu álla wudrehs jf.a ysf;kjd we;s' ta ksid wms Thd,g ta weiqfrka theory iïmQ¾Kfhka we;=,;a m%Yak lsysmhla f.kdjd Tkak Thd,f.a oekqu Wmfhda.s lrf.k lrkak n,kak'
(01). Identify all auxiliary verbs in the following paragraph. ( my; jdlH fmf<ys auxiliary verbs fydhkak )
I have just heard that you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. Did you have a conflict with that time? I must ask that you explain the reason.
(02). Which
of the following sentences does not show any auxiliary verbs ? (my; jdlH w;=frka auxiliary verbs Ndú; fkdlr we;s jdlH yÿkd.kak )
1) I didn’t have any reason to go there.
2) Have we practiced this song enough?
3) Three seats have been reserved for us.
4) I am a professor in the economics department.
2) Have we practiced this song enough?
3) Three seats have been reserved for us.
4) I am a professor in the economics department.
(03). Decide if the underlined verb is being used as a helping verb or a full verb. ( my; jdlH j, háka bß wd§ moh jdlHfha helping verb fyda full verb o hkak ks.ukh lrkak )
1. I saw a man who was reading a book.
- helping verb
- full verb
2 .He has a nice haircut.
- helping verb
- full verb
- helping verb
- full verb
3.What can I do for you?
- helping verb
- full verb
- helping verb
- full verb
by; m%Yak wyk wdldrh" ndú;d lr,d ;sfhk jpk j, f;areï tfyu Thd,d u;l ;shd.kak'Thd,f.a W;a;r ksjerÈ oehs n,kak ksjerÈ ms<s;=re'
01). I have just heard that you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. Did you have a conflict with that time? I must ask that you explain the reason. ( fuys ms<s;=re have , didn't , did , must )
02). Sentence 4 (the verb am is used as the main verb )
_ oeka ó,. fldgi _
yß oeka wms jdlHh yokak kï jpk oek f.k bkak tmehs wmsg ks;r wykak ;sfhk jpk álla yÿkd.uq" bf.k.ksuq'

yß oeka wms jdlHh yokak kï jpk oek f.k bkak tmehs wmsg ks;r wykak ;sfhk jpk álla yÿkd.uq" bf.k.ksuq'

Tkak Thd,d yefudagu jeo.;a jk fldgia álla ;sfhhs ta ál;a wksjd¾hfhka fydÈka u;l ;shd.kak n,kak'
jerÈhg ys;kak tmd hd¿jfka fïjd;a wms oek.kak ´fk jpk'
jerÈhg ys;kak tmd hd¿jfka fïjd;a wms oek.kak ´fk jpk'

by; jpk Thd,d u;l ;shdf.k meh.Kka Fb tfla twitter tfla fyda G+ j, peÜ lrk w;f¾ Status update lrkfldg tfyu use lrkak' ks;ru ´fku ;ekl§ ndú;d lrkak t;fldg kslkau jpk yqre fjkjd'